STATA Annual Meeting 2016

Please join us for the STATA Annual Meeting!

“Envision the Possibilities” 

Sunday, March 6th, 2016
Yarborough Branch Public Library
2200 Hancock Dr., Austin, TX, 78756

Connect with your colleagues, share your ideas & make art!  At our next meeting, you can choose which break-out group to participate in for the day. Within each group, participants are encouraged to offer creative ideas, planning suggestions and even volunteer for future events! 

  • Annual STATA art show: explore ways to advertise the show, promote/educate the public about Art Therapy, concept/theme, opportunities to volunteer
  • Outreach: Make "Join STATA" cards! The BOD will collect cards & send to STATA members. This group is perfect for participants who would like to make art, chat & brainstorm. What are ways STATA can network/connect with other associations, inform the public about STATA, ways members can utilize social media?  
  • Skill share: develop ideas, opportunities for STATA members to share their skills and earn CEU’s! Explore format of the concept/event, content (careers, experiential, research?). Recruit STATA members as presenters!
  • Retreat/conference: What is STATA interested in? Separate events? Combo? Could we have a service-learning project at the retreat/conference?  

Hope you can join us to “Envision the Possibilities” for STATA!

RSVP by replying to this email or on the STATA Facebook page invitation: