Please click to read the bill for details and clarification
Here is a brief overview and points of interest:
Art therapy licensure will streamline and protect the practice of Art Therapy in the state of Texas. The bill will create a board of officials including Art Therapists to manage their own license. This bill will end the LPC-AT designation and future Art Therapists may have to choose between an LPC and the new license.
Subchapter A
Definition of the board and art therapy, art therapy practitioners
Sec 508.003 : defines the practice of art therapy
Subchapter B establishes the Texas art therapy board
Three licensed art therapists practicing for three years, one healthcare professional not an art therapist, one member of the public. Expense reimbursement for travel. Meet three times a year. Their duties will also include recommending violations and to enforce the new license.
Subchapter C
the general powers and duties for the board to enforce including ethics and license requirements
Sec 508.104 B : the fee to apply for a professional art therapist license must be at least $183
Subchapter D
license requirements to practice art therapy
(J) Cultural and social diversity
Subchapter E
license renewal and continuing education
LPC-AT designation will expire on March 1st 2027
Renewal in Two year increments and other license term limits for continuing education
Sec 508.253 : confidentiality of communication made during art therapy
Subchapter F
practice by license holders covers independent practice and consultation in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders
Subchapter G
disciplinary actions