Austin Den Meeting and Bead Workshop: Oct 25, 2015

Please join us for a fabulous CEU opportunity and workshop on beading! Deann Acton, LMFT, ATR-BC and Deanna Miesch, LPC-S, ATR-BC will be presenting.

Beads have been found dating back nearly 40,000 years and have been made from all sorts of materials such as pebbles, shells, teeth, claws, clay, glass, and more. The word "bead" comes from the Anglo Saxon words "bidden" (to pray) and "bede" (prayer). Historically, beads have been used as a form of money, as jewelry to bring wisdom and fortune, and as both a spiritual aid and a tool for meditation.

In this workshop, participants will:
- Learn about two distinct forms of bead making - paper beads and felted beads
- Become skilled at making these types of beads
- Learn how beads can be used as a meditation and gratitude tool
- Discover how beads can aid in transformation
- Understand how beads can be used in the context of therapy

When: Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, 3-5pm
Where: Austin Public Library Ruiz Branch, 1800 Grove Blvd, Austin, TX 78741
Free for STATA member, $15 for non-members for supplies and CEU
Please RSVP:

Annual STATA meeting

Annual STATA Meeting

Sunday, Feb 22, 2:30-4:30PM
Ruiz Branch Public Library - Community Meeting Room
1600 Grove Blvd, Austin, 78741
All STATA members and everyone interested in art therapy are invited to attend. We will have a brief membership/business meeting, followed by a 1.5 hr CEU event. STATA member Melissa Dilworth, LPC-AT/S, ATR-BC willlead "Sandtray Mandalas Using Natural Elements." Free for STATA members, $15 for non-members (CEUs approved by LPC and Social Work boards). If you would like to bring a snack to share, be aware that the library policy only allows for pre-packaged, individually wrapped items.
Please RSVP to:

Austin December Den Meeting: 12/7/14

Austin Den Meeting
December 7th, 2:00-4:00PM
O'Henry Middle School (park by the tennis courts and follow the signs to the room)
All are welcom!
Sylvan Fluharty ATR-BC and Laura L. Johnson LPC, ATR-BC ill be presenting on "Artist Trading Cards and Art Therapy". 1.5 hour CEU's will be offered! Please bring business cards for the trading cards and any art materials you would like to share. Free to STATA members and $15 for non-members.
Bring a beverage or snack to share too! Come meet, greet, get CEU's and make some art.
Please RSVP to so that we will be prepared with enough supplies.

Austin Den Meeting and CEU: May 4th, 2014

Join us for the next Austin Den meeting!
Sunday, May 4th, 2014
O'Henry Middle School: 2610 W 10th Street, Austin, TX 78703

CEU Presentation: Once Upon A Time… Storytelling Through Worry Dolls
Karen McGarity and Juliet Baylor will share their experience of developing successful art therapy careers within the school system and nonprofit sector. A worry doll art experiential will invite participants to explore their personal stories and become mindful of their professional journey. Case studies of this directive will illustrate stories of at-risk youth. Participants can choose to keep the doll for themselves or donate their artwork to the STATA fundraiser.

All those who are interested are welcome to attend the den meeting and CEU presentation. CEU will be offered - free to all STATA members, $15 fee for non-members to cover CEUs and provided art supplies. Meeting will be held in classroom 605. Park near the tennis courts.


Austin/San Antonio Den Meeting: August 18th, 1:00-4:00PM

Deb Murphy will present changes proposed to the LPC rules and updates regarding the 2014 AATA Conference in San Antonio. Art making will be from 3:00-4:00PM. Participants can receive 2 ethics CEUs. Meeting will be held at Jo Lagattuta's studio in South Austin at 319 Cloudview Drive, Austin, 78745. RSVP on the Facebook event page or to Wanda Montemayor at

March Austin Den Meeting

Hello folks,

If you couldn't be at the den meeting here is a little taste of what happened:

Elizabeth Bickle is helping to tune up our social media (in association with Carolyn M. and Sylvan F.) If you Tweet you can now follow STATA on Twitter. The hash tag is: STxARTTHERAPYA. Be sure to join and like our Facebook page as well. There are more ways than ever to connect.

The STATA den also resolved to meet every other month (April, June, August) on the 2nd Sunday. April's meeting will be on Sunday the 14th from 3 to 5 at O'Henry Middle School. Bring a 12 x 12 canvas to work on for an upcoming art show in June.

A group is gathering to meet on intervening months for peer and case consultation (March would be the first meeting.) I'm not sure who the contact person for this group is yet (Bethany? Ruth? ) Let me know and we will try to hook you up.

There will be an Art Show the month of June at Austin Java. Hanging is set for June 1st with an Opening June 8th, 4 to 6 pm. there will be live music and drink and food specials. The show is a 12 x 12 format show. We will be displaying the finished glass mosaic piece the den made. Time to make some stuff!

We have an invitation to collaborate with Texas State's Common Experience Gallery. This could look like an art show, a work shop or public awareness event, or all of the above. The theme for the 2013-14 academic year is Mental Health. We might want to get a think tank together on this so we can coordinate a variety of programming.

Meanwhile, efforts continue to contact St. Ed's about potential interest in a master's level program.

Finally, there is a push to get a retreat organized for October. Jo L, Moe P and Sharon Boyd are looking into centrally located, affordable settings and will collaborate with Rhonda W. If you have programming ideas please let them know!

Lastly, Deb Murphy is the head of the Local Arrangements Committee for the 2014 AATA conference in San Antonio. The first order of business is a theme and logo. Please share your ideas and energy.

Take care and stay in touch!
Bess Green